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2013年11月25日 星期一

[影像] 文化部第一屆藝術新秀 /丟棄/ 概念錄像

影片以第一人稱的方式,拍攝寵物 “茉莉” 的日常生活。
而與紀錄片的不同之處在於,本片的“茉莉”是由人所扮演,以人類的動作與情感表現,凸顯動物受到冷落與 遺棄的無奈和悲傷。
片中並無語言,也並未強調主角茉莉是一隻寵物,觀者在影片結尾處才會發現影片的訴求。藉以人和動物之間立場的對調,凸顯人類因私慾而丟 棄寵物的荒謬,和流浪動物的悲哀。
The film is told in the first person and talk about one pet "Molly" in everyday life. The difference with the documentary is that the film's "Molly" is played by human. The director use the human movement and emotional expression to present helplessness and sadness of animals. The film without language and also does not emphasize that Molly is a pet. The audience will find the view of the film until the trailer. The film swap positions between humans and animals to present the absurd and sad about strays.



  © by Zin 2009

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